Zurich, Dancing the Political Workshop
Saturday, Dec 2 - 11:00-14:00

Location: Off Dance Zurich - click here for location

Introduction and what will we actually do?

The story, pain, and trauma we contain in our body are not just our own: it is heavily influenced by social and political issues in the world, by our family history, and by our roots.

We will embody and improvise on social and political issues we care about through tools I used in my dance creation process in the last years that helped me create my dance solo "اثنين שתיים".

Background needed / Pre-requisite / Level: dance or theatre improv - this is an all-levels workshop but you need experience in improvisation so you can take a subject and improvise on it through movement.

How did this start?

The inside work came from Saed's solo "etheen shtaieem". But this workshop originated and started in Geneva with Saed and Héloïse Dell'Ava as a week-long process of solo creation of political and social significance.


Normal price: 60 CHF

Cash, Paypal: only if you cannot do in bank transfer.

Signing up
Click here to register - please complete your payment after registration.

BANK transfer
Account holder: Said Mansour
IBAN: BE07 9672 5887 3966
Wise's address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52

Emotional supporters

Do you have experience in supporting people or have training in therapy or other related emotional support be it basic or advanced? Write me a personal message so you can be available if someone needs 1-1 support in the workshop.

How do I choose a story/issue/conflict to work with?

You can choose a collective issue that is of personal connection to you: from your roots, ethnicity, race, or country. You can also choose a collective issue from another collective with a lot of sensitivity of how that other collective will feel towards you doing that. For example: a white person doing an act about Afrodescendant heritage needs to come with a great deal of awareness. In this space, we don’t want to over-provoke other people’s deep wounds - even though we believe in the act of provocation through art but in this particular space, we do want to be very sensitive towards the group that will work.

Before coming to class you need to come up with a written page in it you write a paragraph or two about a political or social issue that has touched your life personally (the deepest one you have). For example: your personal story with gender, women rights, abortion, immigraiton, war, violence, etc.

Further questions? saed.movement.production@gmail.com

Saed Mansour Bio

I'm a Palestinian who lives in technically Israel. My body and life are political from birth and not by choice. I was a software engineer until "2020 Covid" and since then I've fully switched to dance, arts, and production. I've danced on the side heavily since 2016 and since I was a kid I connected to dance, but where I come from - art comes second, first comes survival.

In 2020 I created a dance solo called שתיים اثنين that researches the political story in my body through ritual and holding space for myself and the crowd. The movement and the performance are focused on the research of the Duality of identity and duality in conflict in general. This performance toured in Europe and back home and was performed in many venues (Nefgashot 2020, Masaha Opening, Geneva DTP nights June 2022, Midburn 2021, Naot Ma Baad - Jaffa 2023).

I also lead and hold space for projects that deal with emotional processing for Palestinian groups on their own and also groups that combine Israelis (that are strong Palestinian allies) and Palestinians since 2020. I also have a studio that brings both these communities in my Palestinian hometown together (and apart at times).

I call myself more of a space holder than an artist/dancer as that's what I do in several projects - be it workshops, performances, or community meetings.